Friday, 31 March 2017

Easter Church Service

Class 1 wore bunny masks made by Miss. Adey to say their poem about Bunnies.

Then we sang Down to Earth, a song about Jesus giving his life for us.

Well done Class 1! I am proud of you!

Mrs. Sutcliffe


We acted out the Easter story.

Palm Sunday

The Last Supper

Garden of Gethsamane

On the cross

At the tomb

Jesus is alive

Our Easter baskets

Making Easter nests

Taking our hot cross buns home

HAPPY EASTER everyone from the children and staff in Class 1!

Mrs. Sutcliffe

Our Five Senses

 We have enjoyed using all our senses in our play.

Ooh the ice was cold!

Here are our portraits.
We looked carefully in the mirror to get shapes and colours correct.

We loved painting with our fingers!

What an exciting fun topic "Our 5 Senses" has been!

Mrs. Sutcliffe

Friday, 24 March 2017

Red Nose Day

We all wore something red today for Red Nose Day. Some of us put our noses on, as well as hairbands and T shirts. We enjoyed learning about raising money for poor children in the UK and Africa from Y6 in their assembly. We loved their puppet show best. 

Don't we all look FANTASTIC?

Hope we've raised lots of money, by bringing in £1 each.

Mother's Day

We've also made lovely cards for our Mums to show them how much we love and appreciate them. We've written about why we love them, as well as doing word searches and pictures for them.

Hope the children are really good for you and spoil you on Sunday Mums!

Mrs. Sutcliffe

Friday, 10 March 2017

World Book Day

To celebrate World Book Day, everyone in Class 1 brought in their favourite book from home.

Then we wrote about them and explained why they are our favourite.
Our special writing went on display with Class 2 and 3's writing.

We enjoyed celebrating our love of books.

Mrs. Sutcliffe