Friday, 26 February 2016

Bubble and Squeak's vet

Guess what? We had more important people to visit yesterday! Who? Martin, Bubble and Squeak's vet, as well as a veterinary nurse Danni. Danni held them while Martin checked their eyes, ears, teeth, stomach and hearts. Martin trimmed their nails as well.

The children asked good questions about their hours of work, how many animals they see a day and even how much Martin got paid!

Martin and Danni with YR

Martin and Danni with Y1


Thank you Martin and Danni! Thank you for organising this visit for us Mrs. Knott!

Mrs. Sutcliffe

Sarah Outen

Sarah Outen came to see us on Wednesday. Her talk and powerpoint on her 4 and a half year trip around the world were inspirational! All the countries, people and animals she saw were amazing!

Class 1 children asked very good questions, such as "For your next journey, which 3 means of transport would you choose?"

We loved Sarah's outlook on life, always to have a go and JUST DO IT!

Mrs. Sutcliffe

Friday, 12 February 2016

More Important People

Gracie's Mum talked to us about her job as a health care assistant. She helps nurses by taking blood, checking peak flows and doing home visits for people who are very ill and 
unable to get to the surgery. The children asked lots of questions and enjoyed blowing into the peak flow monitors.

Checking India's blood pressure

Checking Brooke's peak flow





Mrs.Hall with YR



Thank you Mrs. Hall!!

Our families are the most important people to us. Do you like ours?

We made moving policemen with split pins too.

Mrs. Marshall added to our collages of important people.

Theo brought in a book about his Nan and the 100th. Birthday card that she received from the Queen. How special!

We filled up our Work Hard, Finish Jobs Jar with glass stones, so had a treat today. Some of us chose crackers and cheese, some jammie dodgers and some Mars bars.

Have a lovely Half term everybody!

Mrs. Sutcliffe

Friday, 5 February 2016

Important visitors

Class 1 had 2 important people come in to talk about their important jobs this week.
On Monday Sister Toole (Mrs. Ballaam's daughter Ruth) told us about her work in A and E at Grantham Hospital. It was very interesting, especially how long her shifts are at night!

Can you see her pink fob watch? It was upside down for us, but the right way up for Ruth.

Ruth: checking her patient's eyes with a special light.

bandaging her patient's head

checking the X ray 

and bandaging the arm, as it's not broken.

This elbow needs a sling for support.

Ruth with YR

Ruth with Y1

Ruth with Y2

Mrs. Ballaam looked after Phoebe, so that Ruth could give us her full attention.

Thank you Ruth!!

On Tuesday, Rev. Lilian led our school's Collective Worship, as she does once a month. She talked to us about the Trinity and what it means.

Then she came into Class 1 and talked to us about how she supports people and shows the love of Jesus, in her sermons in Church Services, at Weddings, Christenings and funerals. Even though she is retired, she is so busy as she loves her job.

Rev. Lilian with YR

with Y1

with Y2

Thank you Rev. Lilian!!

Mrs. Sutcliffe