Friday, 13 November 2015

Children in Need

In Class 1, the Wonderful Whales baked scones to sell at break time.

The Terrific Turtles made flapjacks.

So did the Racy Rays.

Pudsey from Asda came to see us.

Pudsey with the Racy Rays.

Pudsey with the Wonderful Whales.

Pudsey with the Terrific Turtles.

Class 1 made £170 from the snack sale.  With that amount and contributions from the whole school, £254.65 was raised for Children in Need. What a good effort! What a brilliant day!!

Mrs. Sutcliffe

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Remembrance Day

We talked about all the people who died in the World Wars, so that we can live in peace.  
We coloured in some poppy pictures too.

Mrs. Burdin showed us how to make special poppy pictures out of recycled paper.

The secret was to be patient, count to 30 and make sure all the water dripped out of the wooden frame.

Our poppy pictures looked beautiful!

After morning break, we went into the Hall with the rest of the school, Mrs. Burdin and one of the builders. We sat really quietly in the 2 minutes silence and remembered the brave soldiers.

Mrs. Sutcliffe