Well we had two surprises when we met Karen in the cafe. Firstly she was dressed as a witch and secondly, Asda had laid on a party for us! There was a huge spread of platters of every fruit imaginable, doughnuts, sausages, crisps and so on ... WOW!!
After our treat, we went to the Bakery. We smelt huge clumps of fresh yeast.
We saw bakers at work. Each bag of flour weighs 16 kg!
We felt uncooked dough.
We saw the rolls coming out the oven then wrapped.
We went upstairs to the offices and spoke to the employees. We even sat in the manager's
We met Dean the manager and he talked to us and said that customers were his favourite people!
We went along the bridge, so that we could see the whole of the shop floor downstairs, through the glass.
Karen gave us goodie bags and masks, recipes as well to take back to school with us.
What a fab morning. Thank you ASDA!!
Mrs. Sutcliffe