Wednesday, 30 September 2015

New things in Class 1

We have been fortunate to have been given money to buy and make new resources for Class 1!

Here are some of the things inside:

                                     art storage to help ourselves to make super things

                                                                 tool bench

                                                 market stall for our homecorner

                                          our magic doorway into our phonics area

birthday balloons to help us to know when our birthday is and how to spell the names of the months properly

                                          splats to spell names of colours correctly

                                           mobile of all the subtraction vocabulary

          shape mobile so that we can recognise and spell the names of 3D shapes

                      phonic kites to help us learn the alternative spellings for sounds


                                                           space backdrops

                                               Squeak in his hutch, Bubble hiding 

                                           Squeak in the run, Bubble still hiding

Thank you to all Class 1's TAs who have made our wonderful new resources!

Mrs. Sutcliffe

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Welcome back!

Welcome back everyone after the Summer holidays!

We miss our big ones who have moved into Class 2 and we wish them well.

Our new YR have settled well, our new Harry in Y1 too!

This is Class 1 now!

The children have chosen to be sea creatures this year.

Here are the new Racey Rays (YR)

Wonderful Whales (Y1)

Terrific Turtles (Y2)

Here's to a good, happy, successful year ahead!

More news soon ......

Mrs. Sutcliffe
