Friday, 23 May 2014


The Perfect World

What a great, exciting and fun-filled RE week we've had, working on our theme The Perfect World!
We learnt how God created the world and helped make this beautiful whole school Wheel of Life.
We made Noah's Ark.
We danced an animal dance and moved like monkeys, elephants and tigers!

We looked at which countries are poor and watched a video of starving children in Africa. After making up our Charter for a Perfect World, we are trying hard not to waste food.
We planted tree seeds and hope they germinate!

In our visit to Church, we counted the crosses, pews and kneelers, looked at the dates on the gravestones and spent a few minutes reflecting on our own perfect world.

Richard taught us how to copy our templates for a perfect world onto clay tiles. We look forward to seeing them in our outdoor mural!!

We'll never forget this wonderful week!
Mrs. Sutcliffe

More toys!

More toys that belonged to our Mums and Dads!

 Thank you for letting us borrow them!
Mrs. Sutcliffe

Sunday, 18 May 2014


Class 1's topic this Summer term is Toys. We have been comparing present day ones to toys in the past. Here are some of the children with toys that belong to them, their parents, grandparents and great grandparents. One of them belongs to his Godfather!
We have also made our own toy cars!

Mrs. Sutcliffe 18.05.14