Saturday, 7 December 2013


More Celebrations.

Now that we are in December, we can celebrate Christmas!!
In RE we have been hearing about the Christmas story, then we have acted it. We have all had turns to be the different characters, so that we can understand how they all felt.
Angel Gabriel spoke to Mary and Joseph.
Mary and Joseph set off for Bethlehem.
The shepherds heard the good news.

They visited baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

The wisemen visited the new born baby too.

Now we know the true meaning of Christmas.
Mrs. Sutcliffe

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Our Topic this Autumn 2 Term 2013 is Celebrations and what alot we've had so far!!
Bonfire Night!
Do you like our rocket/firework pictures?

The end of the Two World Wars.
We did word searches.

We made crosses out of poppies.

We made poppies out of crepe paper.

We coloured pictures of poppies.

We made bookmarks out of poppies.

More colouring.

Josef wrote about his great great uncle, a navigator in the First World War.

Children in Need.
We wore our pyjamas and had great fun!
We brought our favourite soft toy in.

We did various Pudsey Bear activities.

And that's before we start on all the Christmas things!!! Phew!!!
Mrs. Sutcliffe


Friday, 1 November 2013

Art in Term 1 2013
We've really enjoyed ourselves in Class 1, producing collage work and printing.
Lots of concentrating!! Busy! Busy!!

Finished and we're so pleased with our results!!
Quite rightly so!!

Seaside pictures.

Autumn leaf printing to create pictures.
Mrs. Sutcliffe


Saturday, 12 October 2013

What have we been doing in Class 1 these last 2 weeks?


Making our models out of 3D shapes.

Counting backwards with pebbles in the sand

Making numbers up to 10 with numicon and cubes


Counting in 2s




Sorting types of animal:
in Venn diagrams

in sand

in water




having a break or on strike, builders that is!

Mrs. Sutcliffe